Affected games
Missing/incorrect open bus implementation (CPU or PPU)
- Captain America and the Avengers: Broken graphics during gameplay
- Combatribes, The: Doesn't boot
- Home Alone: Crashes after main menu
- Rock n' Roll Racing: Broken graphics in character select
- Super 3D Noah's Ark: Broken mode 7 graphics
Incorrect or missing BRK/COP implementation
- Actraiser: Crashes after menu
- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Another Story: Crashes after menu
- Cybernator: Intro restarts when starting game
- Dekitate High School: Doesn't boot
- Illusion of Gaia: Doesn't boot
- Kamaitachi no Yoru: Doesn't boot
- Soul Blazer: Doesn't boot
VRAM writes are not ignored during rendering
- Hook: Text glitches during intro
Ignored VRAM writes during rendering are not incrementing the VRAM address
VRAM read implementation is incorrect
Offset-per-tile wraparound logic is incorrect
- Super Famista 5: Issues at the top of the screen during animation inside the main menu
Offset-per-tile implementation has bugs
- Axelay: Broken level background in some areas of stage 2
- Chrono Trigger: Broken layout in in-game menu
Mode 7 doesn't implement window logic
- Atlas, The - Renaissance Voyager: Broken mode 7 graphics during intro
- MechWarrior: Broken mode 7 graphics during gameplay
Mode 7 scroll offsets are not latched at the beginning of the scanline
- NHL '94: Glitch scanline in the middle of screen during intro animation
Mode 7 direct color implementation is wrong
- Aerobiz: Wrong colors during intro sequence
Color window is not applied to all pixels
- Krusty's Super Fun House: Broken graphics at the edges of the screen
Color math for subscreen in high resolution modes is incorrect
- Jurassic Park: Broken graphics during gameplay
Implementation of OAM writes during rendering is inaccurate
- Uniracers: In 2-player mode, second player's unicycle doesn't display correctly
OAM fetching/rendering timing inaccurate
- Mega lo Mania - Jikuu Daisenryaku: A single black line appears in the middle of the screen during the intro
DMA controller power on state is invalid
- Heian Fuuunden: Corrupt title screen when pressing start to skip opening animation
CPU doesn't run an extra cycle before starting DMA after write to $420B
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition
DMA controller allows reading B-bus registers using A-bus address
- Krusty's Super Fun House: Wrong colors during gameplay
DMA/HDMA timings are inaccurate
- Circuit USA: Broken graphics in menu
- Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One: Broken graphics in menu
DMA is not suspended when HDMA runs
HDMA doesn't ignore "fixed transfer" flag
- Batman Forever: Broken mode 7 graphics during intro
- Lost Vikings, The: Black screen when gameplay starts
HDMA doesn't ignore "decrement" flag
- Adventures of Kid Kleets, The: Broken graphics at power on
- MechWarrior: Broken mode 7 graphics during gameplay
HDMA "do tranfer" flag isn't set/reset properly
- Aladdin: Broken graphics in the background on first level
- Super Ghouls'n Ghosts: Black screen once gameplay starts
V-IRQ doesn't trigger when V-IRQs are enabled for the current scanline
- RoboCop versus The Terminator
NMI isn't triggered when NMI is enabled partway through vertical blank
- Alien vs Predator: Screen flashes during gameplay
- Pocky & Rocky: Screen flashes during gameplay
SPC timings are inaccurate (requires SPC to run 1 cycle at a time, rather than 1 instruction at a time)
- ActRaiser 2: Freezes
- Hiouden - Mamono-tachi to no Chikai: Broken sound
- Illusion of Gaia: Doesn't boot
- Tales of Phantasia: Missing sound effects, freezes
CPU read effects do not occur early enough in the CPU's cycle
- Rendering Ranger R2: Freezes due to infinite loop with SPC
DSP KOF register is not initialized to $00
- Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool: Missing sound effects
- King of Dragons: Missing sound effects
SRAM mappings are incorrect
- Fire Emblem - Thracia 776
- Ys III - Wanderers from Ys
RAM power on state is "incorrect"
- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Another Story: Random static in music during intro (when SPC RAM is randomized)
- Death Brade: Duel ends instantly when RAM is initialized with 0s
- Power Drive: Broken graphics when RAM is initialized with 0s
- Super Keiba 2: Blackscreen after a few menus when SRAM is initialized with 0s
Super FX - RPIX implementation is incorrect
- Yoshi's Island: Broken effects in tunnels[1]
OAMADD priority sprite rotation is missing
- Super Mario World: The lives-indicator Mario is hidden at the top left of the map screen
HDMA can't affect open bus
- Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos: Game locks up in level 6-1[2]