WRAM pinout

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Revision as of 23:13, 25 May 2022 by Fiskbit (talk | contribs) (Adds S-WRAM pinout.)
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              |                    |
       +5V -- | 01  .           64 | -- GND
    CPU D4 <> | 02              63 | <> CPU D3
    CPU D5 <> | 03              62 | <> CPU D2
    CPU D6 <> | 04              61 | <> CPU D1
    CPU D7 <> | 05              60 | <> CPU D0
SYSTEM CLK -> | 06              59 | <- CPU /WR
   REFRESH -> | 07              58 | <- /PWR
    /RESET -> | 08              57 | <- CPU /RD
        NC -- | 09              56 | <- /PRD
       CS1 -> | 10              55 | ?? G
       CS2 -> | 11              54 | <- PA1
       CS3 -> | 12              53 | <- PA0
/CS1 (GND) -> | 13              52 | <- PS3 (PA7)
/CS2 (GND) -> | 14              51 | <- PS2 (+5V)
      /CS3 -> | 15   Nintendo   50 | <- PS1 (+5V)                    Orientation:
       +5V -- | 16    S-WRAM    49 | -- +5V                     --------------------
       GND -- | 17              48 | -- GND                       64         33
        NC -- | 18              47 | <- /PS5                       |         |
        NC -- | 19              46 | <- /PS4                      .-----------.
        NC -- | 20              45 | <- /PS3                      | Nintendo  |
        NC -- | 21              44 | <- /PS2                      |  S-WRAM  O|
        NC -- | 22              43 | <- /PS1                      |.          |
    CPU A0 -> | 23              42 | <- ENABLE                    '-----------'
    CPU A9 -> | 24              41 | <- CPU A8                     |         |
    CPU A1 -> | 25              40 | <- CPU A16                   01         32
   CPU A10 -> | 26              39 | <- CPU A7
    CPU A2 -> | 27              38 | <- CPU A15               Legend:
   CPU A11 -> | 28              37 | <- CPU A6                ----------------------------
    CPU A3 -> | 29              36 | <- CPU A14               --[S-WRAM]-- Power, n/a
   CPU A12 -> | 30      O       35 | <- CPU A5                ->[S-WRAM]<- S-WRAM input
    CPU A4 -> | 31              34 | <- CPU A13               <-[S-WRAM]-> S-WRAM output
       +5V -- | 32              33 | -- GND                   <>[S-WRAM]<> Bidirectional
              |____________________|                          ??[S-WRAM]?? Unknown

Signal descriptions

  • PS3, /PS5..1: These are peripheral bus enables and are connected to PA7..2 to map S-WRAM to $80-83.