APU register table/DSP global

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See: APU register table

This table lists the 2 common names for the S-DSP global registers.

Name Address Bits Type Notes
MVOLL MVOL (L) $0C VVVV VVVV RW Left channel main volume, signed.
MVOLR MVOL (R) $1C VVVV VVVV RW Right channel main volume, signed.
EVOLL EVOL (L) $2C VVVV VVVV RW Left channel echo volume, signed.
EVOLR EVOL (R) $3C VVVV VVVV RW Right channel main volume, signed.
KON $4C 7654 3210 RW Key on. Writing this with any bit set will start a new note for the corresponding voice.
KOFF KOF $5C 7654 3210 RW Key off. Writing this with any bit set will put the corresponding voice into its release state.
FLG $6C RMEN NNNN RW Flags: soft reset (R), mute all (M), echo disable (E), noise frequency (N).
ENDX $7C 7654 3210 R Read for end of sample flag for each channel.
EFB $0D VVVV VVVV RW Echo feedback, signed.
- - $1D ---- ---- RW Unused.
PMON $2D 7654 321- RW Enables pitch modulation for each channel, controlled by OUTX of the next lower channel.
NON $3D 7654 3210 RW For each channel, replaces the sample waveform with the noise generator output.
EON $4D 7654 3210 RW For each channel, sends to the echo unit.
DIR $5D DDDD DDDD RW Pointer to the sample source directory page at $DD00.
ESA $6D EEEE EEEE RW Pointer to the start of the echo memory region at $EE00.
EDL $7D ---- DDDD RW Echo delay time (D).
FIR0 C0 $0F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR1 C1 $1F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR2 C2 $2F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR3 C3 $3F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR4 C4 $4F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR5 C5 $5F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR6 C6 $6F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.
FIR7 C7 $7F VVVV VVVV RW Echo filter coefficient.