MAD-1 Pinout
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"MAD-1" Stands for "Memory Address Decoder 1". It is used for Memory Mapping / Address Decoding in HiROM and LoROM Cartridges and Controls the Power for Save RAM.
.---\/---. /HS <- | 01 16 | -> /LS /SR <- | 02 15 | <- A15 (LoROM); A13 (HiROM) NC -- | 03 14 | <- PA4 (LoROM); A14 (HiROM) /RS <- | 04 13 | <- PA5 SVC -- | 05 12 | <- VCC / PA6 (LoROM); A15 / BA6 (HiROM) VCC -- | 06 11 | <- /ROMSEL BAT -- | 07 10 | <- MSEL GND -- | 08 09 | <- /RST `--------´
- /HS: When Using 2 ROM Chips, this Selects the Upper One
- /LS: this Selects the Lower One
- MSEL: Connected to GND in LoROM; to VCC in HiROM
- BAT: Voltage from Battery
- SVC: Voltage to Save RAM
- /RS: /CS for Save RAM
- /RS: /CS for ROM Chip
- /RST: Reset from Cartridge