S-RGB Pinout

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Pinout of the S-RGB Encoder. Actually a BA6596F.

   BIN -> | 01  24 | -> BOUT
    NC -- | 02  23 | -- NC
   GIN -> | 03  22 | -> GOUT
    NC -- | 04  21 | -- NC
   RIN -> | 05  20 | -> ROUT
   VCC -- | 06  19 | -- VCC
SYNCIN -> | 07  18 | -> SYNCOUT
   BFP -> | 08  17 | -> YOUT
REGION -> | 09  16 | -- GND
    SC -> | 10  15 | -> UOUT
   GND -- | 11  14 | -- NC
  COUT <- | 12  13 | -- GND

xIN: Analog RGB Input xOUT: Analog Video Output (RGB = RGB, C = Composite, YV = Luma / Chroma) SYNCIN: Composite Sync In SYNCOUT: COmposite Sync Out REGION: Region Select (VCC = NTSC; GND = PAL)

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